AskJeeves - Search Engine Tips & Information

Specific "Quick Search Tips" for the AskJeeves Q & A Search Engine.

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Quick Search Tips:
General AskJeeves is a directory built entirely by human editors, with results presented as a set of related questions for which "answers" (links) exist.  You don't need special symbols or search terms. 
Enter your question in plain English into the text box, then click on the "Ask" button and Jeeves does the rest.  
Tips One question at a time:  Jeeves works best when you pose only one search question or phrase at a time. If you're looking for information on spas in California and hotels in New York, ask Jeeves two different questions:
Search One: Do you have information on spas in Napa Valley, California?
Search Two: What are the best hotels in New York City?
Not: I need info on hotels in New York and spas in California.

Search the way you wish:
Jeeves responds to questions, phrases, and single words - you can search the way you want.
Search One: Where can I find information about treating my child's earache?
Search Two: Treatments for earache
Search Three: earache

Spelling counts: Jeeves can correct many spelling errors. However, if he can't find what you're looking for, check your spelling. While spelling counts, capitalization doesn't matter.
Example: Battle of Shiloh works better than Shilo
Example: John Kennedy works better than Jon Kenneddy

Watch spaces between words: Be sure to place a space between words so Jeeves can see exactly what you're searching for. If you're not sure about spacing, perform separate searches for each of your options.
Example: Banana Bread works better than Bananabread
Example: Mutual fund ratings , not Mutualfund ratings

Word order matters: Jeeves recognizes word order. Search with the same word order that you would use in everyday conversation.
Bad Search: Supplies office home
Good Search: Home office supplies

Search with synonyms to improve results: If Jeeves provides only limited results for your search, try substituting terms that mean the same thing.
Search One: Newspaper funnies
Search Two: Comic strips

Be specific if you want precise information: Jeeves can provide pinpoint information if you make specific search requests. If specific requests don't work the first time, then try a more general request.
Example One: How do I fix my toilet? not Bathroom repair
Example Two: How do I fly cast? not Fishing

Name your category: Sometimes the same proper noun applies to very different things. Including a category for your search can improve results. If you're searching for information on the Jacksonville Jaguars football team, search two will work better than search one.
Search One: I want information on the Jaguars.
Search Two: I want information on the Jaguars football team.
Case Sensitive No.
Phrase searching No.
Boolean logic No.
Wildcards No.
Sub-searching No.
Field searching No.