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Ixquick - Meta-Search Engine Tips & Information

Specific "Quick Search Tips" for Ixquick.

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Quick Search Tips:
General Ixquick meta-search engine searches AltaVista, AskJeeves/Teoma, FindWhat, Gigablast, Go, Kanoodle, LookSmart, MSN, Netscape, Open Directory, Ouverture, WiseNut and Yahoo.
Brings "top 10" from each search engine, and aggregates and ranks results.  Eliminates duplicates.
Ixquick knows which search engines can handle phrases, boolean logic, wildcards, natural language and more.  Ixquick will translate and forward your searches exclusively to the search engines that can properly respond to them.  As a result you have more relevant results.
Ixquick  supports natural language searching.  Try typing a question in the search box (e.g. What is the capital of Italy ? ).
Ixquick awards each site one star for each search engine that placed it in its top ten for your search, clearly indicating the quality of the result. 
Case Sensitive No, if your search words are all in lowercase.
Yes, if your search words include the desired capital and lowercase letters.
Phrase searching Enclose the phrase in quotation marks " ", e.g. "like this phrase" .
To require Use + immediately before a word, e.g. hyperactivity +children .
To exclude Use - immediately before a word, e.g. cats -dogs .
Boolean logic AND: between words, e.g. hyperactivity AND children .
OR:  between words, e.g. cats OR dogs .
NEAR: use NEAR between words, this ensures that both words appear on a page and are close to each other.
You can use parenthesis (), e.g. adopt and (beagle or terrier).
Wildcards The asterisk * is placeholder for zero or more unknown characters.
Sub-searching No.
Field searching Specify where certain information must appear with fields. Currently supported fields include:
title:text  page title must contain this text
domain:  page must be located at a .com or .gov or .edu or .uk (etc.) computer.
host:  page must be located on this specified computer or on more specific computers, e.g. host:nytimes.com will retrieve pages on nytimes.com and on www.nytimes.com.
image:text   page must contain an image whose file name contains the specified text.
url:text   find pages with specified text anywhere within the URL, e.g. url:uk will find https://abc.com/pics/uk.html as well as https://www.uk/   
link:text   page must contain a hyperlink for which at least one of the words in the destination address begins with specified text.
text:text   actual text displayed on the page must contain specified text (otherwise the text might appear in the title or in the hypertext code but not on the page)
related:  find sites with similar content to the specified page


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